About Our School
McAdory Middle School is a 6-8 school located in unincorporated McCalla, Alabama (a suburban community on the outskirts of Metropolitan Birmingham) and is one of thirteen middle schools in the Jefferson County School System (JEFCOED). The school was built in 2010 as a result of continued growth and economic development in the area. Prior 1996, the middle school students were a part of a unit school, McAdory High School. In 1996, McAdory Elementary opened as a K-5 school, and the middle school students remained a part of McAdory High. Because the area began to experience tremendous growth and had evolved from a rural to a more suburban community, the need for a school for middle schoolers emerged. In 2010, McAdory Middle School was built.
McAdory Middle School is a part of the McAdory feeder pattern, which includes the three feeder schools ( Lipscomb Elementary, McAdory Elementary, and McCalla Elementary) and the high school (McAdory High). Although each school has its own unique culture and characteristics, we all share some traditions and cultural attributes.
McAdory Middle is a very diverse school community and has a population of 851 students. Of the 852 students, 61% are African American, 20% Caucasian, 17% Hispanic, and 2% other. 47% of the students are females, and 53% are males. About 7.6% of our students receive EL support, and 15% receive special education support. 66.35% of the students who attend McAdory Middle School are a part of the federal free/reduced lunch program.
McAdory Middle has 54 certified faculty members. Of those, 41% are African American, 56% are Caucasian, and 4% are other. 39% of the faculty are males and 61% are females. 38 of our certified staff are classroom teachers; 6 are special education teachers; and 2 are ESL teachers. Our school also has 2 counselors, a math coach, a media specialist, and 3 administrators. Our faculty and leaders are committed to deepening content knowledge, as evidenced by the percentage of teachers with advanced degrees (30% bachelors, 59% masters, 7% specialist, and 4% doctorate). We have several science and math teachers who are TEAMS teachers (Teacher Excellence and Accountability. for Mathematics and Science) and others in the process of being recommended for TEAMS. We also have a few teachers with national board certifications.
The mission and vision of McAdory Middle School is consistent with that of our district:
Vision: To be characterized by the use of best practices resulting in effectively providing for the diverse needs of all learners.
Mission: To ensure rigorous learning for all through engaging, innovative instruction, responsible resource management and meaningful community, and family collaboration focused on student success.
Our motto at McAdory Middle School is “SWARMing for Excellence.” To SWARM (as a part of our PBIS) is to be safe at all times, make wise choices, be accountable for the choices you make, respect others and yourself, and be a model jacket. Our data show that we are making strides to improve student achievement. We consistently seek to improve our work and student outcomes by ensuring rigorous learning for all.