
SVHS building

Our Global Campus

Our school community is committed to:

  • Maintaining high expectations

  • Collaborating through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

  • Focusing on learning and student achievement

  • Fostering a culture of care

  • Utilizing data to drive instruction and increase stakeholder engagement

  • History of Shades Valley High School

Shades Valley has a rich heritage dating back to 1948. At that time, it was the only over-the-mountain high school. As the years passed, many new high schools were formed from the Shades Valley zone which changed the Shades Valley population.

Shades Valley's old campus started with dirt parking lots in the fifties. The old Tower, an historic symbol for all alumni, actually worked at one time. A tree planted in 1948 when the old school was built, grew and flourished until 1979 when a senior prank destroyed the tree.

In the fifties and sixties, school dances were held in the gym after football and basketball games. Students would cruise Eastwood Mall, go to the Starlite Drive-in, The Pig Trail Inn, Ed Salem's, or Dale's Hideaway.

The former Shades Valley building is gone, but memories will last for a lifetime. In 1996, the new Shades Valley was ready to house more than two thousand students and teachers. Shades Valley has definitely experienced a variety of changes since it opened in 1948, but many solid symbols of tradition remain.

Shades Valley High School now has three campuses--the main building, JCIB, and the technical academy. There are 78 classrooms, three science labs, nine computer labs , two gymnasiums, a weight room, a colossal theatre with a state-of-the-art technical booth, a Family Consumer Science kitchen and living area, a band suite, and choral suite.

Alma Mater

  • Dear Shades Valley, We Do Love Thee,

  • Give Thee Honor, Trust, and Praise,

  • And For Thee Our Spirits Heighten,

  • While Our Loyalty We Raise,

  • Onwards Valley, To More Glory.

  • We Are With Thee All The Way.

  • Please Bestow Thy Richest Blessing,

    Over Us Throughout Our Day.